Washington Career and Technical Sports Medicine Association Virtual State Competition/Symposium Registration
April 24-26, 2025 Registration and Fees must be postmarked by March 23rd ($100.00 late fee for registrations postmarked after March 28rd, 2025)
Registration Form (due March 31st) (checks can be sent with this form)
Online Payment for State (Due March 31st)
Liability Forms that are REQUIRED to be brought with you to any WCTSMA Event: Adult Code of Conduct, Participant Code of Conduct, Medical Release Form, Academic Honesty
EPAC Resumes received by March 31st.
Team GPAs sent by March 31st to Larry Howe at executivedirector@wctsma.com
EPAC Interview Questions, and Requirements- received by March 31st, resume and cover letter need to be sent to epac.wctsma@gmail.com (Optional Category, $5 more)
There is also an additional Optional category : EPAC. Two students from each school can email a cover letter and resume to epac.wctsma.gmail.com by March 31st. Students chosen will be given at interview at the state competition. Top winner will earn a $200 scholarship.
Team rosters and names are due by March 31st and there are no name changes after that date. Changes will be allowed only at state and must occur in person check-in deadline on Thursday April 24. Any name change will incur a $5 charge payable at the time of change.
You need to also send in school transcripts for all of your Varsity students (14 total) by March 31st. These are used to calculate an overall team GPA winner & Top Senior awards for Varsity Sports Medicine. Please email those to executivedirector@wctsma.com if you wish to compete in this category.