Winter Leadership 2016: Project Rise Featuring Collin Henderson
/Here is a little information on your Keynote speaker for Winter Leadership 12/7/16 at Everett's Xfinity Center12-4:30pm. Silvertips hockey included in price of admission. Winter Leadership information and registration.
I created this blog, for one simple reason: To help people become the best version of themselves. I lived a large portion of my life dealing with self-doubt and fear of failure. Through God's grace, hard work, and amazing mentors, I have come out on the other side and I hope my stories and posts inspire you to take your life to the next level as well. Whether you are on cruise control, in a tough season, or just looking for some've came to the right place! Everything begins and ends in the mind. My purpose is to help give others the tools to master their mindset, improve their personal development, and make the most out of what they've got. We've only got one shot on this earth...we gotta make it count!
Project means being INTENTIONAL and having a plan to reach a goal. I believe that life was meant to be spent in community and if we do life together we have a better chance of achieving success vs. riding solo (sorry Jason Derulo!). With that being said, I hope to hear feedback from you - my goal is that this becomes a place where you can share and where you're moved by what others have shared.
Rise is one of my favorite words in the English language. It means moving from a lower position to a higher one. It also means to obtain an increase in amount, size, or number. One of my favorite college professors Dr. Len Foster used to say, “You are either getting better or you’re getting worse. There is no in-between.” If there's anything I've learned, It's that we ALL have room for improvement. While I'm still learning, I hope I can share some of the insights that have changed me, and together, we can get better each day.