WCTSMA Visits the Capital for Civic Engagement Day 2015
/Over 300 CTE and CTSO members invaded the Legislation Building in Olympia yesterday for Civic Engagement Day 2015. WCTSMA member schools that participated were Enumclaw, Wenatchee, Ferndale, Mount Si, Mount Vernon, Bremerton, Yelm, Olympia, Yakima Valley Technical, and Cheney. Training was held in the morning to prepare students for their visits with State Representatives and Senators. The emphasis for the day is to promote CTE and the CTSO's as important funding is needed to continue programs throughout the state. The day was a great success as we invited chapter schools to help with Legislator visits. The response was tremendous as many CTE students told their stories of how CTE and the CTSO has helped sculpture their career pathways. The sheer number of visits made our presence known in the Capital. We were also very fortunate to have Governor Jay Inslee address the group with his supportive words for CTE and Washington State CTSO's.