Legislation Day 2014 Ends with Governor Signing
/WCTSMA State Officers and BOD advisers converged on Olympia February 5, 2014 to push for continued support of our CTE programs throughout the state. A legislative educational session started off the day at North Thurston High School then proceeded to the Legislation Building for meetings and CTSO promotion proceedings. All eight CTSO's participated in the legislative process. State Officers and advisers met with their State Representatives and Senators throughout the day telling them why they need to support CTE programs in our state. President Matteo Molieri, Vice President Cody Burk, and State Officer Director Chris Hiatt returned to Olympia February 12, 2014 for a meeting with Governor Inslee to sign the CTE Declaration. Our Twitter feed has a photograph of President Molieri with Goveror Inslee. Check it out!