Washington State University’s Athletic Training and Kinesiology Programs

Hello High School Partners!

 Washington State University’s Athletic Training and Kinesiology Programs are sharing a virtual information session held for high school partners who work with students interested in pursuing related degrees in college. We have shared important information for students including program requirements and career options. We also welcome any questions and information you want to share that will help us with best assisting students as they consider future academic opportunities.

 Enjoy the Zoom recording from the original meeting

 Zoom -  https://wsu.zoom.us/.../l_H3fm0SCSJtya2...

 If you would like to review program information, here are applicable websites:

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

 Anne Cox, Assistant Chair, Department of Kinesiology and Educational Psychology

Scott Landis, Assistant Professor, Athletic Training Program

Angie Hammond, Director, College of Education Office of Undergraduate Student Services

Darryl Craig, Academic Coordinator, Kinesiology


WCTSMA Presidents give "State of the Union" speech for all CTSOs

Your State Presidents Laura T.(Orting) and Aubrey I.(South Kitsap) delivered the opening “State of the Union” speech to kick-off Washington-ACTE Summer Conference in Spokane Monday morning in front of 1000 plus members of the CTE/CTSO organization from around Washington State.

What an honor for our group to present for all CTSO’s in Washington. It was a great opportunity for WCTSMA to show our presence as a major contributor in Washington. Presidents spoke on the work being done by all CTSO’s as a unified group. They also used our “Diversity in Healthcare” project done in conjunction with Washington HOSA as an example on how we should all be working together to support all of our organizations.

Presidents also manned a promotional table in the exhibit hall at WA-ACTE Summer Conference to let people know who we are and what we’re doing this 2023-24 school year. Great job Presidents!